This procedure must be performed with a computer (Windows or MAC). It is not possible to do this procedure with a smartphone or tablet.
This procedure refers to the PICO (XR) but the firmware is the same for the BULLET (XR PLUS).
Make sure to apply the right firmware to the right device! PICO vs AIRGATEWAY
Download and save the following firmware and configuration to your computer:
- Connect to your repeater’s private WiFi network. It may be called “jefatech-repeater” or a custom name that you created.
- Go to the PICO control panel at
- Click the System Tab
- Near the top right, you will see “Upload Firmware”. Click the “Choose File” button and select the PICO-FIRMWARE.bin file that you downloaded
- Click “Upload” button
- A blue bar will appear at the top of the page, click “Update”
- Wait for firmware update to complete
- Wait one minute for the upload to complete. Your PICO/BULLET is now up to date and reprogrammed.
- Go to the AIRGATEWAY control panel at
- Click the System Tab
- Near the top right, you will see “Upload Firmware”. Click the “Choose File” button and select the AIRGATEWAY-FIRMWARE.bin file that you downloaded
- Click “Upload” button
- A blue bar will appear at the top of the page, click “Update”
- Wait for firmware update to complete
- Your Airgateway is now up to date